Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Another day of Organizing

I am seeing progress in my art space.

Magazines are in place. Ribbons are in the jars. Books have been organized (I still have a stack that are not in place.) Half of my work surface is clear. Shelves have been dusted and some of them are totally organized and some of them still need my attention. Bins have been labeled. Tons and tons to bits and pieces have been put away. I have run across pictures I meant to scrap, items I planned on adding on ATC's, projects I planned on finishing. I also found inspiration. I had many ohhhh and ahhhh moments. I love those moments. I have had to stop and draw a few ideas as I was moved. Doodles that will become scrapbook pages or ATC's. WOO HOO!

1 comment:

  1. Ione, Where did you go?
    Let us know how you are, and if you're still creating.
    A Fellow CCSer,(Coach Creative Space on Ning)
